The Impact of Pack Provisions Amidst Rise of Food Insecurity

1 in 4 students on campus face food insecurity, here’s how Pack Provisions is responding.

Two staff members, Ryan Syad and Anjalee Gitthens- March 2024

Two staff members, Ryan Syad and Anjalee Gitthens- March 2024. Photo provided by ASUN

Financial strain on college students isn’t new. Between tuition and living expenses, there has been a constant barrier when it comes to budgeting necessities. Now, with rising tuition and student loan costs, these financial issues are also rising so much that it’s affecting a basic amenity: food.

The University of Nevada, Reno conducted its Civic Engagement Survey in 2022 and found the need for extra support here has increased by 3% since the last survey in 2020. In fact, approximately one-quarter of UNR students are facing food insecurity. 

Pack Provisions visits per academic year. 

A prominent resource for students facing food insecurity is Pack Provisions, a food pantry located on the fourth floor of the Joe Crowley Student Union. Pack Provisions offers free access to not only students, but also staff and faculty. It offers perishable and non-perishable foods to help alleviate financial hardship among the Wolf Pack community.  

From its first launch in 2007, Pack Provisions, formerly known as the University Food Pantry, has gone from a 40-square-foot room to a generous office space with multiple refrigerators, storage areas and plenty of space to browse. 

Pack Provisions’ food pantry located on the third floor of the Joe Crowley Student Union. October 2023. Photo Provided by ASUN

Amy Koeckes, the Senior Director of the Center of Student Engagement, has seen Pack Provisions evolve over time. Koeckes said Pack Provisions recently tried to offer more products and services beyond food, like hygienic products and school supplies, but they ultimately needed to re-focus their energy back on their main mission of providing food. 

“Last academic year we were adding clothing and different things like that and really pushing hygiene, but we ran out of space,” Koeckes said. “We just want to meet our main mission of food. Based on the numbers and based on our space allocations, that's where we had to really focus.”

Pack Provisions is run by volunteers and staff members who handle the day-to-day duties. One of them being Ryan Syad, a freshman who works as the Assistant Director of Pack Provisions. 

“Personally, I love the job. I really enjoy my time here,” Syad said. “We've had a lot of changes, actually. We have a lot of repeat people that come in, like regular students.”

However, one-in-four students at UNR are facing food insecurity, and there is also a lack of options for those who can’t afford meal plans or have limited transportation options. 

“The university is actually considered a food desert,” said Syad. “And especially for undergraduates that don't have a car. I know there's a shuttle that goes out sometimes, but you have to accommodate [that] in your already busy schedule. So, there's definitely because of how the university is situated, and the rising food prices, and stuff that we can't control.” 

Two staff members, Ryan Syad and Anjalee Gitthens- March 2024. Photo provided by ASUN

Syad said other factors outside of their control – from rising food costs to where the university is located – are contributing to the issue. Plus, Pack Provisions relies on student volunteers to keep the place running. 

While the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno (ASUN) is funding the staff’s positions, Pack Provisions also relies on support from local resources, such as the Food Bank of Northern Nevada.

“We couldn't exist without them, I just really want to make that clear,” said Koeckes. “Their partnership is just so important for the pantry. They provide us the ability to get some food for free, but also some that are a good cost for us,” she said.

Some other resources that help support Pack Provisions are private monetary donations from faculty, staff, alumni, businesses, and community foundations.  Food is sourced from local places like Wolf Pack Meats, Desert Farming Initiative, Raley’s, and Costco. Pack Provisions is also open to campus clubs and organizations that host food drives.

While Pack Provisions does not receive federal funding, that might actually be a benefit – to both the institution and the students.

“We have some international students that can't partake in things that are federally funded because there are a lot of restrictions,” Koeckes said. “So, if you're going to apply for SNAP [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program] through the federal government, you need social security and you need to be working 20 hours a week.”

No federal funding ensures that students, especially international students, aren’t burdened by a certain criteria and expectations. Students only need a WolfCard to receive aid from Pack Provisions.

The issue of food insecurity is definitely increasing based on the statistics. However it’s important to note that the survey is not a direct correlation to UNR students who take advantage of Pack Provisions. Pack Provisions staff works to spread the word through outreach on campus, including a monthly mobile farmers market called Mobile Mondays.

Upcoming dates for Mobile Mondays hosted by Pack Provisions posted on instagram: @nevadaasun Photo provided by ASUN

“We go out to where students can be, and we provide information,” Koeckes said, “And then we also bring partners along to also pass information around. Sometimes [that] includes mental health and counseling. We kind of try to do a larger range of basic needs.” 

With the amount of outreach and support that Pack Provisions receives, Koeckes and Syad have hope for expansion and progress in the future. 

“It has to be understood that this is an institution with a bureaucratic apparatus that's very complicated, and changes are slow,” Syad said. “You can see the evolution from where we’ve been to where we are now, but that was very slow over numerous years.”

One major focus for Pack Provisions is an expansion of space, especially with the growing number of needs from food insecurity. 

“I think right now space limitations are just restricting us a little bit. We know a couple of things we want to do, but the spacing for us right now just doesn't allow us to fully launch it in a way that we want to,” Koeckes said.“In the meantime, we're going to keep providing what we can provide. You can see it's not stopping us.”

Pack Provisions relies on donations, which can be made online, and this year are a recipient of commemorative license plates celebrating the university’s 150th anniversary. Anyone interested in volunteering can find out more information by filling out this online form.


Other Links:

Online donations

License Plate fundraiser

For Volunteers

Reporting by Ericka Estacio


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